Moisturizer Terbaik 2024 Tekstur Water Based | 9 Kebaikan Yang Sesuai Untuk Semua Jenis Kulit

Hey guys Ray here. I am back with another skincare update. Lately, I’ve been trying a few moisturizers and as always if it’s worth sharing about it, I would. Tapi, Ray tak tau nak start dari mana. Hahaha

How are you guys doing? I hope everyone is doing well. My attempt untuk cuba menulis in both English and Malay masih diteruskan ya. Kalau macam pelik je bunyi ayat tu, maafkanlah saya ye. Saya orang Melayu tapi tak berapa mahir nak menulis dalam bahasa Melayu. 

Okay for this product which I’m about to share, the name mungkin dah tak asing for you guys yang pernah singgah my blog and read about my recent blog post about skincare update. It’s the Hansaegee Nature. Might as well be called as my latest addition to my glowing skincare routine. I’ll be sharing with you some I’ve never shared with you, which is cara mengatasi kulit kusam

Kalau last time Ray share pasal sunscreen and a cleanser kali ni Ray nak kongsi my thoughts about the Whitening Cream pulak. I have long left whitening cream off my skincare list because I’m scared of the ingredients. Takut it would not suit my skin. I don’t wanna get any rashes or inflammation on my skin again. But let’s see how it goes. Ray pun jenis yang sentiasa nak cari moisturizer terbaik for my skin.

Okay let’s get on with it. 

Aqua Whitening Cream - Moisturizer Water Based

I have to say, the first I ever tried the cream it left me speechless sebab I was impressed. This mosturizer is known to be a water drop based cream. Kalau dalam bahasa Melayunya, krim berdasarkan titisan air. Interesting kan, but there was actually a water droplet when you applied it on your skin. 

9 benefits of Aqua Whitening Cream

1. Moisturizer Water Based

Water based skin moisturizer atau pelembab muka berasaskan air can help to give an adequate amount of moisture to the skin. As the name implies, based on dermatology expert Dr Sonia Khorana, they are moisturizers that employ water as the main ingredient into which other water-attracting humectants such as glycerin and hyaluronic acid are mixed. 

Apart from moisturizing your skin, it’ll help to give your skin an extra glow. Meaning to say that Aqua cream is a water based moisturizer yang boleh mebantun untuk kekalkan kelembapan pada kulit muka. Jangan risau, this moisturizer also sesuai untuk kulit kering, berminyak dan semua jenis kulit. 

You can see water droplets on the skin after each application

2. Mengawal kulit berminyak

The main ingredients yang ada dalam moisturizer water based ni ialah Niacinamide. Niacinamide can help untuk sekatakan tona kulit, baiki kulit yang rosak and mengawal kulit berminyak. So, you guys boleh cari krim muka untuk kulit berminyak yang ada Niacinamide.

Sometimes kulit Ray boleh jadi sangat berminyak so tak mudah ye nak cari moisturizer untuk kulit berminyak

3. Mengecilkan
pori besar

If you have problems with pori terbuka, I think this one might be the one for you. Niacinamide can also help untuk membaiki pori pori yang terbuka luas terbentang dan membuatkan pori pori besar kelihatan lebih kecil serta tidak begitu ketara. Kalau pakai moisturizer water based ni, skin akan nampak lebih smooth dan fresh since the pori pori akan kecil sikit. 

4. Repair sunburn

Personally speaking, dulu Ray pernah sunburn dahsyat sampai kulit mengelupas gitu tapi masa tu water based moisturizers ni tak wujud lagi dalam kamus hidup Ray. Kalau la dulu ada krim siang terbaik ni, mesti lagi senang Ray nak rawat my sunburn. Sebab apa? Sebab Aqua Whitening Cream or moisturizer water based ni boleh bantu untuk bagi calming and cooling effect on the skin. Dulu Ray guna Aloe Vera je, it would’ve been different kalau dapat apply after my training back then. Katanya, krim ni dapat kawal kemerahan dan kurangkan kulit yang terbakar kerana cahaya matahari. 

5. Non-comedogenic

Kenapa Ray cakap this cream is Non-comedogenic? It is because dalam moisturizer water based ni ada bahan utama special, that is Camellia Japonica Seed Oil. So, this cream being a non-comedogenic makes sure that our liang pori tak tersekat dan secara tak langsung menghalang atau mengurangkan pertumbuhan jerawat yang lain. 

Other than that, I would say that this cream boleh jadi pelembap muka terbaik yang korang boleh masukkan in your list of skincare routine. Ini kerana, the cream boleh meresap masuk hingga jauh ke dalam kulit dan boleh mengekalkan kelembapan kulit and make sure that our pores can stay hidden and unnoticed. If you’re asking me if this cream is suitable for sensitive skin, yes of course. The cream sangat sesuai untuk kulit sensitif. 

6. Light texture

As for the texture, ni first time ray tengok texture cream macam ni. Bila buka penutup moisturizer ni I thought the texture berminyak and heavy. Tapi sebenarnya tak. The texture is very light, watery and langsung tak berminyak. Siapa yang ada kulit berminyak tu, ni memang sesuai sangat. I don’t know how to say this but when applied, the water based moisturizer buatkan kulit kite jadi smooth and lembap. 

7. Easy to blend & Fast absorption

Moisturizer water based ni sangat senang nak apply sebab the texture sangat ringan. That’s why senang je nak apply evenly on the skin. And then ia sangat cepat meresap ke dalam kulit. I takut jugak kalau my skin will feel uncomfortable after applying the cream but thankfully it doesn't. Sometimes, once applied, some moisturizer will make my skin feel burned and esok tu my skin akan ada bintik-bintik merah. Kalau tak sesuai dengan kulit, our skin can either be very oily or too dry. 

8. No harmful ingredients

This will be my very first thing I’d make sure whenever I’m considering a skincare brand to try on. I’ll make sure that all the ingredients will not harm my skin. For this one, I’d say I’ll consider moisturizer terbaik for me because there’s no alcohol, no paraben and no sulfate. So, it’s a yes for me as it is safe to be applied on my skin. I’m sure it’ll be safe for you too.

9. Mencerahkan tona kulit

I used to have dark skin, was obsessed and I struggled a lot on making my skin lighter. But that was all in the past. I tried so many products and never knew that salah satu ingredients yang boleh membantu untuk mencerahkan tona kulit is niacinamide. Kalau la dulu Ray tahu Niacinamide pun boleh bantu untuk cerahkan tona kulit yang tak sekata and kurangkan dark spot on the skin, tak perlu Ray susah-susah try banyak-banyak product. Cuma pilih yang ada niacinamide je. Maklumlah kan, dulu macam-macam jenis cream that was advertised and kita pun beli je la. 

“Moisturizing & Whitening treatment”

Cara pakai moisturizer yang betul

Apart from all those benefits that you’ll get from the Water based moisturizer, it is also important untuk kita praktikkan cara pemakaian moisturizer yang betul.  Basically it’s not hard and senang je sebenarnya. But first we have to make sure that our skin is clean from any dirt. Keringkan our skin a fresh and clean towel. If malas, boleh keringkan guna soft tissues. And then you can apply the moisturizer onto your skin. Massage it slowly. 

Jangan bimbang kalau ada titisan air yang muncul after a few seconds. You guys just have to dab it slowly until it is fully absorbed back into the skin. You’ll feel your skin becoming softer as the moisturizer is fully absorbed into the skin. 

Honestly, I only apply my moisturizer two times a day. Yes, 2 kali sehari je. Pagi sekali, for my morning skincare routine and malam sekali before I went to bed. That is all. 


I personally love it. Excited sebab the texture sangat menarik since ada the water droplet. I don’t really use many types of moisturizer considering how sensitive my skin can be but kalau the moisturizer memang confirm selamat for my skin, I am okay with it. 

The reason why I love it is because of the texture. It’s very light and it’s not sticky at all. I don’t even have to worry of spilling out the creams because it won’t. Once applied, skin rasa fresh je. 

Sometimes, a certain moisturizer that I’ve used before gave me a little bit of discomfort. The sebab rasa macam I’ve applied too much. It’s uncomfortable for me when I feel something sticky and too thick on my skin. But this water based moisturizer is a winner. I langsung tak rasa macam tu. Takde rasa sticky and ringan je. It got absorbed really fast into my skin. 

If you guys are still wondering and haven’t found the pelembap muka terbaik for your skin, I’d suggest you guys try this one. If belum jumpa moisturizer untuk kulit kering or  moisturizer untuk kulit berminyak boleh start with this one. 

🍁Brand: Hansaegee Nature 


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  1. This is my first time hearing and reading about this product, walaupun asyik berkampung dekan #skincaretok for the past few months. Interesting!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. suka moisturizer yang jenis watery gel macam ni, sesuai untuk muka berlemoih cam saya haha

  4. moisturizer ni sesuai tak kalau pair kan dengan retinol? I'm looking for moisturizer yg sesuai dgn retinol


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