Preloved Giveaway Updates | Hard times

First of all, I need to apologize to each and every one of you. Again. You guys must've been bored with me that always apologizing for my absence from the blogging updates. It has already been a year since I organized the Preloved Giveaway. I felt really bad for not updating and keeping my promise to update about the giveaway on my blog. But I am sorting things out and am in the middle of getting a lot of things done. This time I can assure you that I'll announce the winners very soon. 

It was hard

I am having a hard time. I have to be honest with you guys, life has not been easy for me for the past few years. I know a lot of you are going through a hard time too. Pat yourself for being able to survive until today. Until now. I've been struggling internally. A lot. I'm sure some of you may know if you read my previous post about the stories and thoughts I shared here before. 

But don't worry I'm doing okay now. Much better. Alhamdulillah. I hope you guys are too. We have to support each other and be strong for the sake of our loved ones and ourselves too. Never neglect yourself. You are important. You guys are amazing. You have to know that and I am so proud of each and every one of you. *wink

Why I haven't been updating much

So the actual reason why I haven't been updating much here on my blog is that I don't want to bring that kind of energy here. It might as well triggers or influence the mood of the one reading this. I may write something that is inappropriate. Maybe inappropriate is not the right word but let's just say that I don't want to bring too much negative energy to you guys. That's unhealthy and we're focusing on being healthy inside and outside. Right? 

Plus I've been focusing on finishing my postgraduate study, so, I have to put a lot of things aside and prioritize what's needed. Alhamdulillah, I am done with it and now preparing for conferences. That's a little update on it. I have to thank you guys for always tagging along with me virtually during all this time. Your support means a lot.

Preloved Giveaway Updates

I've been reading and looking at all the posts you guys did for the giveaway. Oh my fragile heart, you guys are so sweet. It was amazing, precious, memorable and I can't get any more words for it but bless your beautiful hearts, guys. I love you guys so much. It was very refreshing, every time I came back to read it. Something sparks within me and it makes me feel alive and loved.  

All the gifts will be sorted out randomly. It's because everything that I prepared and pick is indeed random.  I hope you guys don't mind and will love whatever it is that will be sent to you. 

So, that is all for now. Thank you again everyone for being so kind and leaving me beautiful words on this blog of mine. I'll see you guys next time on another blog post. Stay safe and take care. 


  1. Alhamdulillah that you feel better <3 Stay strong and stay safe!

    1. Thank you so much dear. Alhamdulillah. I hope you're doing okay as well.

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Rabia dear. tqsm. nnt akak singgah blog rabia okay.

  3. stay positive on whatever youre doing ray! hoping to see more from you! as for the giveaway, i only remember when you mentioned it now, sure its been long but what matters is yourself so, stay healthy and stay safe!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words for your never-ending support. Yes, I've decided to focus more on me. I'm ashamed of myself for dragging things too long but I am always trying to fix it.

  4. hope everything is fine and good at your end happy and smile always to send message to your heart and mind that things is great today and ahead

    1. thank you so much umi. I really appreciate it.

  5. it's okay to take a break! i hope everything turn out great for you! stay safe sis!!

    1. thank you so much dear wendy. I hope things are well for you too!

  6. Thank you so so so much sistur.

  7. It's okay. Take your time dear. Nothing to rush.

    1. thank you so much akak. I really need it.

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you dear sakuranko. Back to you too!

  9. dont even worry about it! im the same way and i do feel bad but there rlly is nothing to feel too bad about!

    personally when i feel too sad, i write in my secret online journal..maybe you should make one too. i made a little page on my blog where i know where to go when i want to write about how bad i feel. i feel bad too if i were to bring really sad but true energy on my blog because i wouldn't want to trigger my readers either...
    but who knows, maybe it can be helpful to post too because someone might be going through the same!

    1. Oh wow that's an awesome idea. I'll think and give a thought about it. Gosh, you're so sweet. I do feel bad but sometimes you just can't avoid things from happening and what you're feeling. I have to acknowledge all of it in order to move forward.

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts here. I really appreciate it.


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