PG Mall : Super Shocking Sale!

Hello guys, it seems that many missed my post and updates. I miss writing and sharing things with you guys too. The recent pandemic left me in deep thoughts about how fragile we can be even without touching each other.

*pat yourself for being very cooperative during the MCO that we’re almost able to overcome it.


Have you guys been purchasing a lot of things online? I notice that I am very fond of online shopping these days. Since all the stores are closed, all that we can do is to shop online. Here comes our lifesaver, the e-commerce platforms.

Alright now that I’m back, let me share with you something that caught my attention for the past few months. Reading all the posts from my fellow friends and see their updates about PG Mall kind of makes me curious and eager to know what exactly is PG Mall.


Is it a mall? Is it an online shop? Read more to learn about PG Mall.

What exactly is PG Mall? 

So let’s start. PG Mall is Malaysia’s No.1 E-commerce platform and has been established since 2017.  Believe it or not, PG Mall is said to be the only local e-commerce platform in Malaysia. What surprises me more is that PG Mall is also ranked as the top 3 e-commerce site at Iprice insight report.

Check it out here - 

Super Shocking Sale!

This is my favorite part. Who doesn’t love surprises? PG Mall give surprises to all the customer with the super shocking sale. This is where all the prices are ridiculously cheap and are beyond amazing.

Let me tell you why?


The deals start from RM1 and every day you’ll be surprised with daily new deals. What else could you ask for? I’d be jumping out of joy. Hehe. Better not wait now and since it’s a limited time offer.


Check it out now alright - 

Other on-going promotions from PG Mall

Apart from the super shocking sale, there are more amazing deals that you should be excited about.

Hot Day Sales

Aren’t you always excited when there are more and more sales? Don’t you wish that all the sales are forever and not only for a limited time? Your answers and wish lie within PG Malls Hot Day Sales!


Here’s the reason why?


-       It has 3 slots daily at 10 AM, 4 PM and 9PM

-       All items are Lowest-price guaranteed

-       Discounts are given up to 80% off daily

Love you 3000

Would you ask for more when PG Mall offers you their Love you 300 campaign? Here are the details on how you can join the campaign:

-       Every purchase of RM30 and above will be entitled to join Love you 300 campaign and stand a chance to walk away with a prize worth RM3,000 in total.

-       The winner list announcement will be made on 15th and 30th of every month

-       So, the more you spend, the higher the chance for you to win!


ConsuMerchant Concept

There are so many ways to earn side incomes these days and who would’ve thought that you could also earn money while you’re shopping. It’s not impossible I tell you. The consuMerchant concept by PG Mall made it possible. As buyers, you can also enjoy:


Shop, Share, Earn – Earn money while sharing PG Mall with your loved ones through referrals. Get more incentives while shopping with PG Mall.  

Wait no more. Hurry up and head to PG Mall to start shopping and experience the fun while scrolling through their website. 

For more information, you can find out more about PG Mall here:






 #PGMall #onlineshopping #shopping #MalaysiaNo1ecommerceplatform #ecommerceplatform #Shopnow #Shoponline #Supershockingsale #Hotdaysale #Loveyou3k



  1. mudah n memang berbaloi..jom shopping

  2. i've been checking out this platform too ! and it's been so interesting with so much promotion and sales !

  3. amazing~ since i cant swipe my card for flights ticket!
    its time to get hold on this PG pula :)

    1. hahahaha i think that's a great idea.

  4. Wow best ni.... nak try shopping dekat sinilah

  5. Bestnya 😍 Pagi tadi baru tengok member memang rm50 dari PG Mall

  6. Oh so interesting darling
    Thanks for share with us

    1. Ikr. It makes shopping more fun and convenient considering the pandemic that happened to us.
      You are most welcome pretty.

  7. I've never know of this. Rn, me also often buy anything from online because of the pandemic. Maybe i should tell my father about this. Thanks for the sharing. <3

    1. Hahahahahaa selain shopee, PG mall pun best jugak. kalau dah puas hsopping sana boleh try PG Mall pulak.
      Heee no problem. you're welcome darling.

  8. Waa dulu masa kat KL tak sempat-sempat langsung nak datang ke mall ni.. Banyaknyaaa sale... best betoll.. ni klu dah shopping mesti tak hingattt donia hahahha

    1. skrg ni online je. hehe
      xpayah susah2 nak g mall dah.

  9. ni yg buat mama nak usha PG mall ni best betul tawaran dia

    1. hahahaha teruskan usha mama. nnt boleh shopping terus XD

  10. Seperti di Indonesia juga, pandemik meningkatkan arus belanja online, mengalahkan belajar online :)

  11. Replies
    1. okay. you should start shopping now. hahhaa

  12. Syok shopping kat pgmall ni ray.. serius..

    1. kak lea ni mesti banyak shopping ni hahhaha

  13. The cashback tu yang best! Lagi menggalakkan shopping hehe.

    1. kannn. dah shopping lepastu dapat pulak cashback. siapa tak suke kan :)

  14. Replies
    1. terima kasih ejulz sbb jemput. sorry ray baru smpt tgk and reply

  15. masih belum beli apa apa dr pgmall...jenguk jenguk je hr tu...hehehe...

    1. heee lepas ni mesti dah tau nak beli apa and kat mana. senang mcm tu.

  16. mesti banyak tu. ray pun payah betul nak buat pilihan haha

  17. kaki2 shopping suka laa tuu hehehe

    1. hahahha mesti semua tengah tersenyum riang tu.

  18. Best juga shopping di PG Mall ni. Hari hari ada sale.

  19. Hi, first reminder is coming up to you! Here you go...

  20. bahaya betul website shopping ini.. tambah kalau tengah sale..

    1. bahaya sangat. seram nak bukak hahahahha


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