How to make an overnight oatmeal? | Sometimes I am very lazy to cook since at times you have to prepare a lot of ingredients and the process is long. So when that laziness came I decided to prepare something else instead. I made an overnight oatmeal. Let me share with you how I prepared my oatmeal recipe.
What I like about oatmeals is that it is very quick and easy to prepare. You can add any toppings you like and this simple oatmeal can help give you energy plus making you feel full. Everyone has their own ways of preparing the oatmeal. So here I'm going to share how I make my overnight oatmeal?
Muesli and Oats differences
Before that, some people thought that oats and muesli were the same thing. There are differences between muesli and oats. Both are known to be a source of healthy breakfast items. Muesli is a ready-to-eat cereal made with whole grain cereal with a variety of other ingredients like oats, dried fruit, wheat flakes and nuts like almonds. On the hand, oats are a variety of cereal grain made from rolled seeds of oats grass.
Just as I listed, this is what I used to make my oatmeal.
- Oat
- Muesli
- Milk
- Honey
- Greek Yogurt
- Chocolates or chocolate bar (optional)
No microwave oatmeal
I know some recipes require you to use a microwave but since I don't have a microwave I made one which you can either eat on the spot or make it an overnight oatmeal. I love having two options and a variety of ways to eat.
So how easy is easy? Let's see.
My instructions are not that good because I am the kind who would actually just throw the ingredients straight up into the glass or whatsoever. No particular rules included except for the need to mixed it all together in the end.
How to make an overnight oatmeal?
So here's what you need to do.
- Prepared a glass or jar of your choice to put your oatmeals.
- Next layer down a greek yogurt at the bottom of your jar and put some honey on top of that.
- Then you can put in both the oats and muesli inside the jar.
- Lastly pour in some milk until it reaches the top of your oats and muesli.
- Here's the last thing to do that is the toppings. You can either put the toppings right after the milk or before you want to eat after a night inside the fridge. It's up to you.
I don't like to put much but enough with a few bars of chocolates. It's optional and you can create it to your liking.
After that you're done and it's ready to eat. For me I like to eat it after a few hours inside the fridge or you can say after a night since it's an overnight oatmeal.
My overnight oatmeal looks slightly different and also tastes different thanks to the toppings. Eating exactly the same thing everyday can be boring so I tried making it a little different each time using the ingredients I have. That way I don't have to go out and buy something else, enough with what I already have. And that's chocolate XD.
You can just stir and mix your oatmeal so that you can taste the sweetness of the honey and a little sour by the greek yogurt altogether. It'll make your taste buds dance a little.
Not that great but this is one of my favourite oatmeal that can be eaten right away. Sometimes I put it in the fridge so that it'll get cooler, the muesli and oats will get soaked with the milk giving it a better taste. Anyway it can be either way.
Not that great but this is one of my favourite oatmeal that can be eaten right away. Sometimes I put it in the fridge so that it'll get cooler, the muesli and oats will get soaked with the milk giving it a better taste. Anyway it can be either way.
Have you ever made an oatmeal or overnight oatmeal? Mind sharing your recipes too. Who knows I can try it too sooner or later.
pernah lah kak ana buat dedulu , sedap :) follow Ray di sini :)
ReplyDeletesedap kan...
Deleteheee thank you akak.
kat tempat kak pip susah sgt nak dapat muesli.
ReplyDeleteyeke. kalau dapat oat pun dah cukup. lepastu tambah la kacang and kismis ke.
Deletejadi mcm muesli hehe. mesti sedap jugak tu.
ohh ingatkan sama. baru tahu namanya muesli. Dah lama tak buat overnight oatmeal ni. buat style Ray campur muesli dan oats ni cam best je
ReplyDeletehehe try la. mesti sedap. akak mesti lg banyak idea nak letak topping apa.
Deletemuesli tu tak beli² lagi sebab seminggu sekali beli barang kalau dah habis. bila keluar terlupa pulak nak trip harap tak lupa nak masukkan dalam list. hihi
DeleteLama akak tak buat..
ReplyDeleteAkak sejenis yg suka bubuh byk buah.. walau org kata tak elok campur susu dgn buah tp once a while.. tak pe kot.🤭
Ray pulak x suka campur buah sbb for me memang buah lagi best makan saja drpd campur dengan makanan lain.
Deletesedap! boleh lah jadikan menu sahur nanti. bselera pula nengoknya
ReplyDeletehaah la... untuk sahur. haha ray pun x teringat pasal tu.
DeleteIt is a healthy diet for you.
ReplyDeleteIf you do it and eat it right. yes it is hehe
2 April 2020 at 23:11Yum! Such a healthy breakfast! Before I got married, I used to have overnight oats for breakfast as well. You know, ladies like to have a slimmer waist before their big day :D My fave was the carrot cake, oats, milk, shredded carrot, cinnamon powder, raisins and walnuts. :)
ReplyDeleteoh my god yours sound so good too. I'd love to try that as well.
DeleteYeah I enjoyed mine so much every morning or whenever I feel like having and overnight oat. ^^
I love oatmeal for breakfast. It's so good!
ReplyDeleteikr. Me too!
DeleteSedapnya. Makan-makan tak sudah. Haha
ReplyDeletehahhahhah bila xde apa nak buat, makan je la XD
Deletei would sometimes did the same as you too, but that depends on my level of laziness hehee
ReplyDeletehahaha i get that XD
Deleteso easy yet damn so lazy..hehee
ReplyDeletehahhaha but you made so many other dishes.
Deleteyou bake cakes and cook various of meals.
akak pun lama dah tak buat ray,, best ni makan sejuk2,,
ReplyDeleteheee boleh la buat lagi.
DeleteOatmeal looks delicious to the eyes and they're good for dieting too. But unfortunately I don't eat oat! I guess I only love unhealthy food. Haha
ReplyDeleteHahhaaahaha there's so much more healthy food that you can eat.
DeleteOats are not the only choice you have. ^^
this recipe looks so mouthwatering ! Ive never thought of putting chocolate bars on m oatmeal, I usually mixed mine with some fruits..
ReplyDeleteI don't really like mixing fruits with oats, that's why I put chocolates instead. hehe
Deletemewah banget ya ampon oatmealnya. saya biasanya pake eatchoco terus dicampur air panas doang wgwgw
ReplyDeletehahahaha ikut kesukaan masing2 janji perut kenyang XD.
DeleteDina bukan penggemar makanan yang sihat. HAHA.
ReplyDeleteHahahahah makanan yang sihat pun if makan secara salah boleh jadi tak sihat XD
DeleteLooks delicious. Gonna make one for myself :P
DeleteAkak nak turunkan 10kg ni...bolehlah try buat overnight oatmeal guna resipe sis ni..
ReplyDeletewahhhh goodluck akak. i hope it'll help you with your diet.
DeleteBest n sdp sbnrnya mkn oat yg campur2 mcm2 tp biasanya sy mkn oat kosong dgn air masak 🤮 yg x sdp jugak kene mkn sbb tringt kolestrol tinggi 😢
ReplyDeleteoh yeke. oats is good if you eat it right.
Deletewell take care ya
nampak sedap, i'm not really a fan of oat T^T
ReplyDeletetapi bila tengok orang mix granola nampak macam sedap XD
kannnn. I'm not a fan of oat too at first but once I tried making the way I prefer it to be, I just seem to like it even more. Suke tengok orang buat but x semestinya yg tu sedap for us.
Deletealahai sedapnya..... bebila nanti nak buat lah
ReplyDeleteheeee. tolong la buat haha
DeleteI want to try but I do not have Greek yogurt. Any substitute for Greek yogurt?
ReplyDeleteYou can always use other types of yogurts as well.
DeleteNot necessarily greek yogurt only hehe.
I find it fascinating whenever someone mentions they eat oatmeal because usually ppl don't give good reaction when I say i eat oatmeal lol. Never tried the overnight version tho. I like mine with milo topping hehe
ReplyDeleteWait what? Really? I guess they just don't really like oatmeals I guess.
DeleteYou should try it. ^^
im supposed to be on my diet but it's okay. I'll try follow the recipe cuz oat is okayy for diet. pls tell me that it's true!! Hehe. XD
ReplyDeleteif you eat it right, it'll be good for you. ^^
DeleteI have an oatmeal breakfast every single day (almost). Overnight oats are for when I need a breakfast to go. Yours look yummy.
wow that's great. I only had mine whenever I feel like it and when I dunno what to eat haha.
DeleteI wonder how yours look?
thank your for sharing! nak try after this dah alang lanag duduk rumah tak buat apa apa
ReplyDeleteheee no problem. I'm sure yours would be better.
DeleteGood tips for maintaining healthy body
ReplyDeleteNampak sedap dan menyelerakan....
ReplyDeleteit is. for me la. hehe
DeleteLooks deliciousss. Tapi i tak makan oat hshsh
ReplyDeleteI see. that's okay, maybe you can help make for other people, who knows. ^^
Deletesuka rolled oat compared to the instant one..blm pernah bubuh choc bars, menarik..
ReplyDeletefollow you #557..last time follow bloglovin..
i love that as well but i don't like to eat it plain.
Deletethank you so muchhhh. i've followed you long ago.
Hai Rayyy!
ReplyDeleteMasa sebelum kahwin dulu, time sahur makan ni lah hari2. Surprisingly tak rasa lapar sangat. Kurus lah jugak. haha. Kena start buat balik ni hehe
Followed here. tapi tak tahu nak follow camner. haah
this might be my meals for puasa jugak nnt. heee
Deleteehhh hahaha. ade je follow button kt sidebar kanan tu ^^
Look delicious..
ReplyDeleteit is delicious. ^^
DeleteI can sense how delicious they are, just by looking! ngeee ;) I'm sure gonna try it later.
Thank you for sharing! ^_^
hehe yayyy. nanti try la.
Deleteyou're welcome dear
ReplyDeletehehe sedappp. try la buat jugak ^^
DeleteMenu yang boleh kurangkan berat badan ni ;) Kenyang yang lama. Kalau Mai, cukup guna oat, susu dan madu. Kalau rajin, tambah buah heee
ReplyDeletethose three pun dah sedap but for me cepat muak sbb tu letak coklat sikit.
Deleteletak buah pun sedap tp i don't like campur dengan buah hee
lama tak singgah blog ni.. lain dah rupa dia...
ReplyDeleteyup memang lama. Went to your blog a few times before. hehe
Deleteoh yeah buat perubahan sikit. i hope it looks better now.
I love the fact that we can use whatever ingredients we have in the pantry and the OO will turn out great and super yummy! I enjoy something crunchy like toasted nuts for my OO.
ReplyDeletethat sounds good too. the muesli i used already contain almonds inside, that's why i only add chocolates.
DeleteLooks delicious ...,
ReplyDeleteI will join to make it.
Thanks your recipe.
you're welcome ^^.
Deletedon't forget to try it.
sedap! selalu buat suka campur kiwi, banana or just dates
ReplyDeletesedapnya. I rarely eat my oats with fruits because I prefer to put in chocolates. hehe
DeleteDelicious. Biasa rabia minum oat mcm tu je. Memang rasa malas nk minum oat dh
ReplyDeletewow. masa awal2 dulu makan kosong mcm tu je sbb nak rasa. then from time to time tukar resepi pulak.
Deletehahaha oats is my meal bila malas. XD
Aaaaaaa keliatan enak bangeeet kak Ray. Jadi pengen makan oatmilk buatan kak Ray. Akakakak
ReplyDeletehehe enak bangetttt.
Deletehaha sadly we're so far XD
wah sedap nya... boleh try ni
ReplyDeleteyayyy jangan lupa try.
Deletesedapnye overnightoat...dah lama juga xmakan oat...
ReplyDeletePS: haah...tenang je...sunyi...kalau ada pun bunyi burung kadang kadang...
boeh la buat lg nanti. hehe
Deletekann. nak tido and rehat pun tenang je.
i wanted to try sebab ramai kata sedap. but huurmmm.. i dont drink milk.
ReplyDeleteso kadang2 i put 1 cup of oats masak dengan nasi. gitula cara nak makan oats..
Oh really. Well, that sounds good too sbb I used to it the same way too. hehe
DeleteThanks for the recipe, boleh lah Tqa cuba nanti.
ReplyDeleteyayyyy. I'm sure you're gonna make it look even better.
DeleteI dont know the name is muesli Thanks for sharing :D
ReplyDeletehehe I also thought it was the same thing but found out later that it's different.
DeleteOats is oats. muesli is muesli. ^^
Nice ! Nanti nak cuba ...selalu kehabisan stok susu di sini.
ReplyDeleteyayyy. I'd be happy if you try it but I dunno if you'll like it. haha
DeleteUsually saya guna rolled oat kalau nak buat overnight oat ni...sebab tak berlendir kalau dibiar rendam dgn susu. hehe. mueslli mahai. T_T biasa letak oat dgn susu kosong tahu2lah bosan makan gitu. hehe.. kadang dah buat tak makan pun. adoi
ReplyDeletebetul. muesli is a bit pricey sbb tu letak sikit je and campur together dengan oat.
Deleteletak coklat tak nak kasi muak. tak boleh nak makan plain hehe
memang senang sangat nie.. Tapi tak pernah cuba makan.. hehehe
ReplyDeleteboleh la cuba skali hehe
Deletealaaaaaaaaa.. mudahnya cara dia !! hee~ yang penting sihat.. al maklumlah, musim PKP ni jarang bergerak..
ReplyDeletesenang kan. ni bila time malas je la buat. time rajin try yg lain pulak XD.
Deleteitu la pasal. nak pegi memana pun x boleh.
Saya bukan peminat oat, tapi macam ramai orang suka makan menu macam ni. Mudah-mudahan terbuka hati nak cuba nanti. Salam follow ya. ;)
ReplyDeleteI've followed your blog.
Deletetry sekali je hehe
I used to have breakfast with midnight oat because it is to prepare and easy to eat too. My favourite was the one with bananas. It's been a year kot dah tak makan oat sebab tak beli. Heheh
ReplyDeleteOhhh I love bananas. The only fruit I think I'll consider eating with oats is bananas and dragon fruit.
Deleteray kebetulan jumpe oat so beli je la alang2 XD.
Wah sedapnya.. mama.nak try la good juga Kan.. oat byk Kat umah ni
ReplyDeleteyayyy nanti boleh la mama share resepi mama jugak.
DeleteOatmeal Mrs. A pun suka nampak mudah nak buat tu.
ReplyDeleteNak try la nanti
betul. tak susah mana pun. sbb x perlu nak goreng or msak pape.
Deletejust add and mix. then you're done. selamat mencuba hehe
pernah try gak buat dulu tapi tak berapa suka lak sejuk2...lagi suka yang rendam dalam air teh panas gitu aje..huhuhu
ReplyDeleteyang panas pun sedap. dulu selalu buat yg panas and makan terus.
Deletebut yg ni sbb xnak makan terus mmg buat overnight oatmeal je la.
bila rasa nak makan amik je terus and makan. tak payah pikir panjang haha.
Even dah selalu baca dan dengar pasal overnight oat ni tp serious lum pernah try buat....Kalau hakak makan ni je sebulan sure Raya kelihatan langsing kan Ray hahahha
ReplyDeletehahahaha.. boleh je kalau nak try but kene make sure ada balance diet plus exercise. better that way. ^^
Deletemy version add banana ... roasted oat.. yang lain lain sama.
ReplyDeletesounds so good too. i love bananas and oats too yayy
Deletetak pernah buat lagi dan tak tahu bila nak buatnya hahaha tengok resipi orang je
ReplyDeletehahahaha bebila rasa nak buat tu boleh la try. mesti kene tunggu mood dtg dulu XD.
DeletePenah buat juga. Akak suka topping letak buah-buah. Kalau tak, tak baper nak lalu telan..hehe
ReplyDeletesedap jugak letak buah-buahan. ray suke makan dengan pisang.
Deletetp pisang je la. yg lain kurang sikit.
Selalunya minggu pertama puasa jer larat makan nasi, minggu kedua start menu simple tapi kenyang sampai petang... dan beli oat tinggal nak restok buah-buahan je dengan susu
ReplyDeletesama la kita. masuk minggu kedua makan makanan lain pulak. ray kalau betul2 tak tau nak makan apa, mmg buat oats je. hehe
DeleteI honestly have no idea how it tasted like haha.
ReplyDeleteOat would never be my kind of food.
Glad that you enjoyed it! It's good and healthy for you.
Oh really. that's interesting. Well, not that it's weird but I'm just amazed sometimes.
DeleteI guess you're really not into oats.
I don't really like oats myself back when I was younger. But these days I'm beginning love it.
Let's say oats is my emergency food hehe. thank youu ^^
Tak pernah beli..Wow! Later nak try...memang mencari..hehee..bookmark dulu.. Thanks