Can you see the red lights? That means the airdot buds are charging. It's really small and cute just like what I'd imagine. I honestly didn't expect it to be this cute but it is.
This is definitely worth it. The sound is great and it's noise canceling is great too. So don't talk to me. haha kidding. I'm not that rude. I can either use one or both earbuds at the same time whenever I feel like it. How cool is that? The best thing is that I can move around freely without having to be concern about any dongles or wires. I know the other has the same features too but with only RM80+ you'd get the quality. I don't need those anymore. XD My heart is content and my wallet ain't crying.
So far I am loving my Redmi Airdot so much. If you guys are wondering, I got my Redmi Airdot and its cute cases from Shopee. You can use my referral code RAYDA227 to get RM8.00 off off your first purchase!
If any of you are interested in getting both the Redmi airdots and its cute cases you can directly purchase it here at the same site which I got my Redmi Airdots and its cute cases. I'll provide you the link down below.
Comelnya dia pun..
ReplyDeletecomel kannnnnn
Deletealahai comel sangat ni, mesti berebut dengan anak kalau beli
ReplyDeletehahahaha bahaya tu. hilang nnt. bendanya dh la kecik. XD
DeleteAuww comelnyaa AA.. Nak cari jugak lah
ReplyDeletecomel sgt kannnn. boleh boleh. cri la kat shopee
ReplyDeletehehe i thought xde but i found one yayyyy
Deleteaaaa comelnya redmi airdot ni ray! Ada jugak wireless macam ni tapi tak la secomel ray punya! Geram je tengok
ReplyDeleteyeke. you can try and get this one too. buat koleksi gituu hehe
Deleteommey nyerrrr
DeleteCutenya case dia!
ReplyDeleteikr. that's why i get two instead XD
Deletecomei nya....
ReplyDeletei can't resist it!!!
Deletesooo cuteeee! sbnarnya haritu mmg teringin gak nak beli redmi airdot ni tapi tggu dulu lah hahaha kena kmpul duit dulu utk beli bnda lain haha lol
ReplyDeleteyekeeeee. sokay. there are other things yg lagi pntg to get. mana tau ade rezeki lebih, boleh beli skli kan hehe
DeleteComel 😄
ReplyDeletehehe i like your username. comel je muka tu
Deletealolooo comelnyaaa casing dia. rasa nak curi satu. ehhh hahahahahaha kidding!
ReplyDeletehahahahha if i were u pun rasa nak curi sbb comel sgt XD. i can't get enough of it
DeleteI fall in love with the cute case! So cute ^_^
ReplyDeletei fell in love with it each and every time haha
Deletebestnya, wireless !
ReplyDeletebest best. mudah sgt
Deletei almost forgot about this. im a Mi enthusiast and that really is cheap. maybe gaji nanti boleh beli hee.
|| Crack Culture
beli ! beli ! hehe
Deletewaaa. ini untuk earphone la kan. dah makin canggih sekarang.
ReplyDeleteyup. you don't need all the wires anymore XD
DeleteCanggihnya skrg Ni Kan.. cantik case dia
ReplyDeletebetul mama. mudah sgt
Deletecomelnyaaaaaaa! tak boleh nampak strap ring. geram rasa nak beli semua strap ring yg cute-cute.
ReplyDeletesinggah sini! :)
hahahahahaha it comes separately and i just had to buy it. cute gileeee
DeleteSo cute! If I were you, rasa sayang pula nak pakai bila dah comel-comel ni :D
ReplyDeletei was the same at first but i just had to XD
DeleteSo cuteee the casing i try cari but tak jumpa pun mind to share the link?
ReplyDeleteIkr! it's friggin' cute. Oh sure. you can use this link here.
OMG! I'm in love toooo!! heeee :3
ReplyDeletehehe kannnn. Yeay ade geng !
Deletelunaaaaa lah
ReplyDeletehehe yep ! puas ray cri. jumpe jugak weee
DeleteI plan to do a review on my wireless earphone too but can't find the right time yet. Anyway, your airdot's cases really caught my eyes. Did you get it separately or it came with the earphone?
ReplyDeleteI'd love to read your reviews on that.
DeleteI get it separately on Shopee as well. I surveyed for the the cases as well when I search for the airdots hehe.
alahaii comelnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
ReplyDeletehehe comel kan. I'm still in love with it.
Deleteommeeyyyyyyyyyyyy nyerrrrrrr
ReplyDeleteomey kannnn
Deletecomelnyaaa casing dia. Luna Sailormoon =D
ReplyDeletehehe comel sangat! I'm still in love with it.
DeleteI want I want.. haha so cute!
ReplyDeleteit's very cute right. Heee go get one ^^