Life isn't always that great and mine has just got worse. But this is not the end. I am gonna keep trying. A month ago I got a notice from google Adsense. To be exact an email pops up telling me that my Adsense account just got suspended. So this means that no earning will be available for my blog. I was devastated. And sad. 
Even though my Adsense is back. Working as usual. But it got deducted due to the invalid traffic. How sad is that. Oh well at least it's working again.
So now it's back I hope that the same thing never happens. Ever again. That is all I have left for now.
p/s: my next post might be next week after I am done with my final exams. Hopefully it ends well.
Do you guys wanna know what exactly happened? Should I update more in my next post?
sometimes if kita ter'click' our own ads, boleh jadi invalid jugak
ReplyDeleteitu la. i was aware of that so mmg cuba berhati2 not to.
Deletehi , baru perasan dh lama follow blog ni. Jom baca blog dan follow back :)
ReplyDeleteawww thnk you. i'll be sure to visit you back
DeletePlease update more!! Btw, good luck with your incoming exam
ReplyDeleteheeee thnk you so muchhhhhh. kalau ade kelapangan, i might update on it. tgk keadaan. thnk you
DeleteAkak banyak kali kena gitu.. Kena banned sebulan katanya kita klik sendiri link pun ada.. Aduhaiii
ReplyDeleteyeke. dasyat. hmmm kenapa mcm tu ek.
DeleteWhat happened?all the best for your exam...
ReplyDeletesomething just happen and im not sure why. haha but tq mrs pip
Deleteerk.. mama nak tolong pun tak au sebab mama xde adsense semoga cepat setel la ye
ReplyDeleteyeke mama. tkpe tkpe hehe
DeleteWaduh waduhh. Dari mana pula invalid traffic tu Ray? Haha
ReplyDeletei dunno sobs
Deletebanyaknya kena tolak tu huhu sabar ye, ada rezeki lain t
ReplyDeleteitu la pasal. xpe la ade la rezeki lain tu nnt. in shaa Allah. tq akak
Deleteuih, dia penalti cam tu je eyh
ReplyDeletehaah. sedih benor rasa
DeleteUih, never know there could be invalid traffic. Its okay since things already get back to normal right? So you just have to keep on working to generate the income. Good luck & never give up okay! ^_^
ReplyDeleteyup. i was glad it's back to normal now. Alhamdulillah. gotta work a lot harder now
DeletePaling risau kalau ada apa-apa masalah dengan Adsense sebab Google macam sesuka hati je boleh terminate Adsense account.
ReplyDeletebetul. dah la nak boleh approve pun payah
DeleteAi dah pernah 2x acc adsense kena suspended. Sebabnya traffic mencurigakan. Till now rasa nervous kalau traffic tetibe naik mendadak.
ReplyDeletesamaaaaaaaa. setiap hari cek traffic kt blog. mujur normal lagi