Being a student needs us to know what to use and how to use it. It involves all those Microsoft siblings which everyone used and not having one is a big issue. I hate to admit it, but I am not a software junkie and always had a hard time using all these, especially when it comes to converting your files into another format. It took a while, but I finally found one that helps me a lot throughout my study years. As the titles are written above, it is called iLovePDF. This is a very useful tool for students.

As you can see there are various options given on the website. Yes, you'll need the internet in order to do so. I've been using this for so long. Since I hate things that are complicated that will give me a constant headache, I'd rather find something else as a solution. Yes, we can actually change the format directly when using Microsoft but for a mere girl like me who doesn't fancy that kind of stuff that needs you to set all this and that up, that's a lot to be done and it's a big thing. Yep, I've learned various kinds of ways but found this one to be more convenient.
How does it work?
If you have any file to be converted, for example words to pdf, you can just go to the website and choose the options given, attach your files and you're done. This actually takes a lil bit of work as well since you'll have to personally rename the files accordingly, but it's up to us individually on which is better. I can get easily confused with things so I need to find a way for me to do it better. Many more options are there to be explored and I haven't quite get used to it yet but since i know it's there, anytime soon will do.
Mind sharing about yours too?
pdf ni memang penting btw nice sharing.
ReplyDeleteit really is and you never know when you might really need it. heee yayy
Deletewahhh kita tak pernah dgr pulak tentang i love pdf ni.. selalu kita google ja tah laman web mana2 untuk nak convert file.. hehehe. thanks share!
ReplyDeleteI was like that too tp penat asyik kene cari yg lain setiap kali. So when I found this one, I'd stick with since it makes things easier for me. hehe
DeleteI'm happy if this can help even a little.
Good sharing awk .dlu mse keje,selalu ada masalah mcm mne nak conver pdf kepada word dll. So selalu pening kpala sbb serius xtau buat. At last, google kat internet and jumpa la something yg mcm ni. Its helps me a lots 😘
ReplyDeleteikr. i feel you. at least dah save time in finding things out. ^^
DeleteTak pernah lg try.. Nt akk godek. Thanks for info
ReplyDeleteheee welcome
DeleteReally helpful.. boleh try la nangi
ReplyDeletei'm glad to know that ^^
Deletedulu tmpt kerja lama mmg selalu kena convert pdf ni smpi naik lemas dibuatnya... skrg x lagi hehehe
ReplyDeleteikr. ray hari2 menghadap pdf
DeleteI still confused how to use PDF even everyday I need to use it.
ReplyDeletehahaha i feel you
Deletenice sharing ray.
ReplyDeleteheeee hoping this would help those in needs of this.
Deletesemalam shu baru bookmark lebih kurang mcm ni jugak. ok now shu simpan ilovePDF sekali untuk kegunaan masa akan datang. hehe tq for sharing
ReplyDeleteyayyyyy i hope yg ni dapat bantu with your work too. ^^
Deletesemakin canggih sekarang ni..
ReplyDeletedan memudahkan. Alhamdulillah
Deletesha pun suka pakai ilovepdf ini.. memang mudah..
ReplyDeletewahhhh guna jugakkk yaaayy
Deleteawww thank youu. itu tulisan malas sebenarnya hahaha
ReplyDeleteHmm!! This blog is really cool, I’m so lucky that I have reached here and got this awesome information.
ReplyDeletepdf to jpg converter free