I can say that it's not bad but the texture is not as fluffy as the real one is. So that is all for my post today because I am out of idea on what to post. Would someone be kind and suggest something good for me to post here in my blog. I have my draft unattained but that can wait because that was meant for some other time. But what's important is now. Any idea guys ?
Don't get me wrong. this was taken after berbuka alright. ahahah XD
Any ideas for me on what to write guys?
How the tatse? are u get some "paid" content to post this article? Lol
ReplyDeleteit was okay. not too sweet and was find by me. oh nope this is not paid. This was only a random post like i usually do. ^^
DeleteLet's hope someday that'll happen hehe ^^
lol :D so have u ever try ice cream mochi? i bought from "sakinah mart" in my city.
DeleteWaaa belum pernah rasa mochi sebetulnya.. mesti sedap kan Ray.. rindu Jepun la tu kan ๐
ReplyDeleteyou got that right kaka husniey. haah i miss japan a lot. i need to go back there again. huwaaaaa :(
Deletethe real taste even better for sure. ^^
Cute plak. Hehe. Nanti nk try cari di 7E lah hihi
ReplyDeletehehe tu pun salah satu sebab kenapa ray beli. sbb cute XD
DeleteSeriusss tak pernah rasa mochi ni hahaha ketinggalan zaman betul den. Nampak sedap (kind like buah melaka hehe).
ReplyDeleteIdea? Maybe.. Macam mana cara kekalkan kejelitaan dan kecantikan wajah seperti Ray? Muehehehe #bodek.
Kc suggest Ray tulis entri tips tentang edit template blog? Sebab Ray kan pandai bab bab tu hehe.
Or maybe.. Cara dapat follower beribu di Instagram? Rahsia dapat likes tinggi di IG? Itew kagumm haha
as expected from kc. kalau bab2 bagi idea mesti banyak yaaayyy.
DeleteI'll look up into all that soon. in shaa Allah. I do need to write on something different.
thnk you so much for suggesting all the topics. ^^
maybe a post on what to do after you graduated? i just finish my study last week. i have no idea what to do these following months. HELP :<
ReplyDeleteoh wow congratulations. i hope you'll find whatever it is to do that suits you most. aamiin.
Deleteawww thank you. i'll put that into the list. weee
It looks chewy and tasty
ReplyDeleteyep it is. ^^
Deleteive tried this! i bought it from speedmart haha. but tak pernah rasa this flavour yet i tried the chocolate one! bolehlaa rasa dia but isnt berminyak sikit? or just mine haha
this doesn't taste like that. i mean xde pulak rasa berminyak. maybe it's that chocolate?
Deleteray pulak teringin nak rasa yg chocolate. but honestly it think read bean taste the best.
sadly x jmpe kt situ masa beli. tinggal satu flavour je. I guess this mochi mmg laku kt 7 eleven.
Sedapnya mochi tu ray. Lama dah tak makan. Hehe..
ReplyDeletesedap sedap. ray suke. nanti jumpe kt memana beli la ^^
DeleteKak ana suka yang coklat. Tp skrg dah muak makan.
ReplyDeleteray pulak x pernah try yg chocolate. usih smpi muak dasyat. haha
Deleteakak pernah try beli jugak kat 7 eleven,, emm sedap lah jugak sebab time tu jakun hii
ReplyDeletehahahaha ray pun jakun jugak kekadang. walaupun dah pernah makan tp tetap excited XD.
DeleteTak pernah rasa lagi dan tak tahu pulak ada jual,nanti nak cari la
Ray boleh write about ur study's life..fitness lifestyle
nnt kak reen cri la kat 7e ehehe. try tau nnt.
Deleteyayyy boleh masuk dalam list lagi. thank you kak reen. ^^
akak lagi lah sgt jarang ke 7E... menarik nampaknya tengok mochi tuh...
ReplyDeleteapa kata tulis psl kisah sebagai pelajar, cabaran yg dihadapi...
hehe bagi ray comel.
Deletethank you akak. ramai suruh ray share pasal study. wow
in shaa Allah akan dipertimbangkan. ^^
Comelnya mochi tu. Nak juga lah try hihihi
ReplyDeletecomel kannn. yes do try ^^
Deletetengok kaler hijau ni, teringat buah melaka. hahahaha
ReplyDeletehahahaha.. teringin buah melaka la pulak. but kene tunggu balik kampung dulu sbb nak makan yg org kampung buat. original flavour gtu hiks
DeleteNanti nak carik kat 7e๐น๐น
ReplyDeletehehehe boleh la rasa nnt. buat dessert ^^
DeleteI LOVE MOCHI and pandan flavoured? I'd buy one and bring it into my office. They'd be really surprised.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't have any idea to blog why not respond to my blog that would be posted tomorrow on why do you blog. I'd love to hear your thoughts! x
yeah i bet they would cuz it's a rare flavour for them right. haha
Deleteomg really. okay i'll be waiting for that post of yours. yayyyyy thank youuuu mmuah
selalu nampak, tp tak pernah try
ReplyDeletennt jmpe akak try la hehe
Deleteaww comelnya mochi.. mama penah makan sekali
ReplyDeletehehe ray mmg suke mochi but teruja sbb jmpe dekat 7 eleven XD
Deletesaya nampak kat 7E tp x penah tergerak hatilah pula nk rasa...
ReplyDeleteoh really. maybe next time boleh try hehe
DeleteEh.. ada jual eh kat 7Eleven.. Selalu beli kat 99 Speedmart.. Ada banyak flavour.. Suka pandan, kacang merah dan peanut butter kalau tak silap..
ReplyDeleteray punye favourite kacang merah. oh 99 ray pulak tak pernah jmpe kt speedmart. maybe sbb jarang pegi sana kot. lepas ni dah tau la kat sana ada.
Deletemochi ni bukan japanese punya kuih ke?
ReplyDeletebetul la tu. asal kuih mochi ni mmg dari japan. :D
Deletepernh mkn mochi sedap..tk prasan plak kt 7e ada jual
ReplyDeleteray sendiri pun bru perasan time ni
Deletehow about you write something about crepe cakes๐๐
ReplyDeleteuuuu i love crepe cakes. good idea.
DeleteI've been wanting to try different ones at different places and shared it with you guys.