I don't really know what to write here right at this moment. It's raining and I love the weather. It calms me as it soothes my heart every time each little raindrop touches the ground keeping all the other sounds away.
I was distracted by it.
That sound is enough to be my little soothing music. You know how relaxing it can be every time it rains. It's cold on the outside but at the same time, your heart, would be covered with some sort of warm feelings to it.
Have you ever close your eyes just to hear the rain. Can you feel it? The feelings which only you understand.
Dontchu just love the rain ?

hujan itu menenangkan...
ReplyDeletetrue so true. but menenangkan bila hujan renyai2 n tak terlalu lebat. kalau sebaliknya, it will be super scary
Deleteantara momen yang paling kak ana suka ialah ketika hujan turun. rasa sejuk dan damai. lagi satu jgn lupa berdoa sebab salah satu doa mustajab ketika hujan turun.
ReplyDeletethank you for the reminder kak ana. may mum selalu pesan benda yg sma.
Deletethank you so much. ^^
ReplyDeleteIf I like to rain at night ..., hearing the sound of rain can make my sleep more peaceful.
ReplyDeleteBut if it rains during the day, sometimes it makes me confused for my activities
i feel you. sometimes it can good and sometimes it can be bad. but that is nature and we can't really calculate what'll happen
DeleteThat raindrop... So calm and peaceful kan :)
ReplyDeleteyep it is ^^
DeleteSalam Ramadhan ray🌹🌹
ReplyDeleteRamadhan Kareem to you ^^
DeleteTime hujan memang mood pon jadi baik🌹🌹
ReplyDeletesbb tengah sejuk kan hehe
DeleteBlogwalking here balas kunjungan.
ReplyDeleteDone follow! Follower number #473 :)
thank you so muchhh
Deletelaa ni mmg mengharapkan hujan sentiasa sbb cuaca panas betul lbh pulak tgh puasa kan
ReplyDeletebetul betul betul !!!! bahangnye sungguh la melemaskan
Deletemusim2 panas ni memang tertunggu2 hujan. hehe
ReplyDeletekannnnn but Alhamdulillah hujan jugak a few times a week
DeleteOh! Rasa syahdu seketika menghayati suasana hujan! Romantik pun iye juga.
ReplyDeletebest layan perasaan time hujan2 ni hehe
DeleteBunyi hujan berderap atas atap zink di kampung pun best. Omputih panggil ia "white noise".
ReplyDeleteBunyi bising tapi mendamaikan.
yes yes exactly. i miss that feeling so much. tambah pulak bila duduk rumah kayu, sejuk dye lain mcm but i love it.
DeleteIt's pretty dry and hot in Kelantan. When will the rain fall?
ReplyDeletesame here. In shaa Allah it will rain soon. Aamiin
Deleteagree! :D i just discovered that i love rains too recently :D
ReplyDeletebila hujan, rasa menenangkan lagi2 kalau masa tu kat hospital haha
i feel you. it feels even better when we're home ^^
Deletedrop by here :) btw, this entry is so good though
ReplyDeleteawww thnk you darl
Deletesuka hujan... dalam hujan diluar ada kenangan yang tersingkap di hati.. memang feel dia lainlah bila hujan..
ReplyDeleteray dapat bayangkan tu
Deletemama suka the smell .. nyaman
ReplyDeleteyes betulllllll
DeleteI love the sound of the rain with the smell that came along. It calms the heart.
ReplyDeletei hope it rains again. sbb kt sini dah a few days x hujan
Deletesaya suka dengar bunyi raindrops, rasa calming sangat
ReplyDeletedisebalik calming tu, haruslah kita isikannya dengan tidur :p
yang ni paling ray setuju hahahaha
DeleteOh you have no idea how similar we are.
ReplyDeleteI love the sound of rain that I even have a nature sound playlist in my spotify just so I can listen to the sound of the rain, forest, river flowing and the ocean.
It really calms me down. And you know what makes it even better? Some music and the smell of the rain. Bliss!
Pour your heart out Ray, even when you have nothing to write about.
awwwww yayyyy. okay that's cool having a playlist of those sounds haha. never thought of that one before. might make a list of my own too i guess, if rajin la XD. it hasn't been raining here for the past few days and i miss the rain already. thank you tqa. i'll try my best to write whatever i wish to write.
DeleteTime hujan sedap tidur Ray hahaha
ReplyDeletetepat sekali hahahaha
DeleteSinggah here baca baca blog baby I ni 💕💓 well babe, hujan kalau renyai. Ok la. But kalau lebat tu SAYA TAKOT 😭
ReplyDeleteawwww thnk you baby girl. missed you
DeleteI love rain too... Cuaca apa sekali pun best je, kena bersyukur 😅
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah. ye betul.
DeleteSalam Ramadan dear :)
ReplyDeletethank you so much sis. Ramadhan Kareem to you too
DeleteRay. Cerita Lah Ramadhan ray mcm mana
ReplyDeleteheee thnk you for the idea mama. yaaayyy
Deletesama, suka hujan biasa biasa je. kalau hujan yang ada kilat serta guruh. huh! seram wak kite
ReplyDeletebetul. kalau ade kilat and guruh semua tu, it is scaryyyy
DeleteKeep on writing..
ReplyDeletePenang hari ni tak hujan.. But start dari awal Ramadan sampai kelmarin dlu ahad hujan ja.. So gloomy.. But I love that kind of weather
me too. I love that kind of weather. It's calming.
Deleteharini Penang hujan sekejap.. lepas tu panas semula. best kalau hujan sepanjang hari tak rasa dahaga sgt
ReplyDeletebetul betul betul