Being alone doesn't simply mean you're lonely

Assalamualaikum wrb. Hi lovelies.

Have you ever experience a time where you just want to be by yourself and not wanting to associate with other people? Maybe some of you would say "nahh, I'd prefer to have someone with me all the time." I agreed it is actually kinda scary to be alone but being alone doesn't mean you're lonely or unwanted. We just simply want have the time of our own where we don't have to actually think about unnecessary things on where to go, where to eat and just follow where your heart wherever it takes.

The point here is not about whether it is good or bad but the view. Our view on it. What other people think won't matter because they as well, will eventually go through the same thing that we did. Maybe they just didn't realise that it's a cycle and an event where we all have at a certain point in life.


The truth is, being alone sometimes is a great retreat from all the buzz with other people. People come and go. Each individuals have a commitment and they won't have their 24/7 for you. All you have is your very own 24/7. That is the time you gotta have the most for yourself. Don't throw it away endlessly for something unreasonable and let it go to waste.

Don't neglect but make the most out of it. 

When you're alone take it for granted and have the time for yourself. Pamper yourself with a cup of tea or coffee while enjoying the view outside a cafe, wear fancy outfits, treat yourself to a good meal, go for a shopping and buy yourself some new stuff, watch your favourite tv show or movies and etc. But when you're with a friend, enjoy every moment of it. Went out and have fun with them. It's quite the same but this time you're not alone. It's good to have both one at a time. Trust me. You should know yourself better on which, when and what to choose in between. Right?

So, what are your thoughts on this?



  1. Maigadd, i love this one. Simple but meaningful 😍

    1. It actually applies to everyone. I'm glad you understand it. ^^

  2. i totally agree!
    I used to always be alone. a lot of times in school i didnt want to b seen alone because i didnt want others to come to me ONLY because i was sitting alone.
    I dont want them to pity me, when in reality im alone because i want to be.
    It's definitely not a bad thing!

    1. Yes. I feel you. Ikr. I've always love to be alone. It makes me happy actually and not sad. But people don't really understand that sometimes. But being around other people is nice too. I'd love to have a company once in awhile.

  3. Being alone is what truly comforts me the best, you live by your own rules

    1. I agreed. yayyyy we're in the same boat

  4. Dh biasa sorang2 dulu.. Dari bertahun sampai kdg tu nak jgk ada kawan2 elakkan kesunyian. .

    1. Betul. It's nice being around people. Especially the one yg memang kite selesa. But I'm not good with crowds. haha

  5. sensorang tu tak bosan kalau pandai manage, kan? :D kadang lagi relax bila sendiri

    1. yep. no doubt about that. there's always a pros and cons in everything.

  6. yep. im the one yg suka jalan sorg2. kadang pergi mall sorg2 cuci mata. lepak mcd sorg, kadang part mkan jadi awkward sikit. tapi lantak lah, ada life kot lepak sorg2

  7. sometimes being alone such a bless, sometimes I do need crowd to sooth me.. betul ke ni?

    1. I get what you meant. Felt the same sometimes. ^^

  8. I know right. We just follow our heart muahahah

  9. Agree.. I'm okay je being alone 😍
    I have Allah.. I will enjoy good food.

    Only family and close friends know who I am..

    1. I feel you sis. We have the same soul. no doubt.

  10. I love being alone because I had many friends so I rarely could find the time to be alone. Sometimes we just need a 'me' time to reflect on ourselves

    1. yes yes yes. It'sokay. you just have to find the right time for a "me" time.

  11. Enjoy your time alone since it will not last long. After marriage, you wont feel the loneliness again..huhu. I miss my me time alone..

    1. Great reminder. thank you. I sure will

  12. ada satu masa tu saya suka bersendirian sbb nk rasa ketenangan dan taknak fikir apa2. tpi sometimes rasa lonely jugak. pastu mula overthink pastu sedih tiba2 xD

    1. I totally understand that. Felt the same each and every time.

  13. Dari zaman sekolah memang jenis lone ranger.. lebih senang dan cepat dalam menguruskan masa.. sampailah kerja.. Sha lebih suka berseorangan.. tak dikhianati dan tak ditinggalkan..

    1. Betul. But there's a pros and cons to it too. But anyway I love being by myself even sometimes I think I really need a company.

  14. I love taking my sweet times alone. Having my 'me' time at Starbucks while reading books is the best thing ever :)

    Fatina Mudz

    1. OMG Mine too. How I miss life without commitments and being able to spend my time in a cafe with a book to read. Now, it's no longer a book but loads of journal to read through. my brainnnnnnn

  15. Jangan bersedih ya ray, ingat family ada sentiasa doakan terbaik buat ray..

    1. Thank you so much akak. In shaa Allah, I'll be fine. I also have good friends here and that's even better now.

  16. depends on situation. tapi mesti ada 'me time' kan

  17. I love being alone all the times but I do realize that I crave for human interactions sometimes after spending too much time being alone.

    1. Yes. That is so true. Felt the same all the time.

  18. Yup agree on this . Sometimes , we need our own sweet time . =)

  19. so here's a funny story, i went to kfc to buy dinner, alone, and i don't think i told the cashier that it is a takeaway? he made me a takeaway? i was going to eat alone, in the kfc, but he made it into a takeawayyy. anyway, i love my alone time and i totally understand what you mean. i just hope everyone understand that this is not an introvert thing or anything, it is just being comfortable with being with your own self. realizing this has been a major point in my life.

    1. i totally understand that. hahaha maybe just maybe at that time, it was not the right time for you to eat alone there. there will always be something behind all those small unpredicted moments which happens once in a while. but it's great to be able enjoy both 'me' time and 'our' time no matter in what situations as Allah has planned it all for us. His plans are always the best. right? We are so on the same boat. muuah much love from me.


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