My next goal in Blogging | #3 Road to 100k PV

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Hi, lovelies.

I'm back again with my goals in blogging. I'm not a good blogger, not a full-time blogger, it's even hard to say that I'm a part-time blogger. Because I don't think I fall into any of that category. I'll just call myself a casual blogger. Because I blog during my free time (most of the time I didn't XD).

100k PV?

Yes, people. It's not easy to achieve a big number of page views especially a lil blogger like me who seldom laid my eyes on my own blog but she did it more on others. Yes, I read and went to other people's blogs more than mine. XD

I think by visiting other people's blogs, I get to see more kinds of style in writing. I get to brush up on my own ways of writing and improved every little bit of aspects of my blogging style. And I am hoping for people to visit me back, that's for sure. It's normal right? Give and take. Fair and square. Life is a cycle. You get back what you give.

Ok, I think that is all that I wish to write. I'm not fond of writing a long entry. I am happy with just a simple and short post. Plus, you don't really have to read 6 pages full of a long essay. I doubt you will haha. Am I right or am I right? hehe

Thank you again for reading all this weird rambling of mine. I'll be happy to read all your thoughts and comments on this. ^^


  1. Yes you right sis. Same with me. Lebih suka baca entri orang sebab kadang tu tak tahu nak post ape dekat blog sendiri. Hehehe.

  2. i know you can reach it. keep going and dont give up!

  3. Walaupun awak tenggelam timbul but you are still my best blogger friend Ray.. and most important is akak suka baca status awak kat wassap...hihihi

    1. hahahahaa even Ray banyak sgt merepek XDXD. thnk you akak.

  4. good luck. to reach 100k pv. it is not easy but possible.

    1. thank you so much. yeah it will took a while to even reach 90k for me. 100k would be an achievement for me.

  5. Replies
    1. thank you kak husniey. ameen ameen semoga tercapai

  6. goodluck ray! samalah kena baca blog orang baru ada idea nak tulis apa. kalau tak sampai ke sudah takde update dekat blog.

  7. 100k pv tu mesti boleh punya, sebab content dalam blog raydah pun menarik juga hehe
    samalah, lebih suka baca blog orang je xD blog sendiri biar terabai

  8. Confirm boleh. All the best Ray!

  9. hai kak ray... rindu nak baca entry2 kak di blog.welcome to blogging.

  10. May journey ray become more colorful and be a popular blogger

    1. ameen ameen ya robbal alamin. thank you so much mama syg

  11. All the best! you can do it!

  12. Semoga berjaya!! Gambatte! 💪

  13. semoga tercapai ya kak ^^


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