I need to start reading. Back.

I love books. I lost track of time and kept on wondering when was the first time I declare my love for books. I read a lot. I thought reading was good and nothing would have gone wrong with reading. Turns out I was wrong. One day I had this kind of weird trauma coming at me in an instant. It was in the past but just the thoughts of it hurt. It was the book I feared off. There was a reason but I'd rather not talk about it. I keep myself away from books for some time but soon slowly recovers. 

Time slowly pass as I overcome my fear. Yes, no one knows. Had my no book time for quite a while except for an educational purpose. Somehow I started to heal back. Call me a liar but reading all those deep terms of science kinda helps me forgets everything and it makes me happy. I crave for more books thus I read another. The fact that people who read silently with their glasses on looks nerd, I don't mind it. Lost into another dimension of unreal reality. That was a bonus.


  1. Entry ini buat sha tertanya-tanya, apakah trauma itu..
    Membaca memang boleh buat kita lupakan perkara lain..

    1. ahahaha itu cerita lama.
      betul. buat kita hilang dalam dunia sendiri

  2. ned bayangkan yang raydah tgh baca buku tetibe selak buku cicak mai terbang kat raydah hahaha..kidding jah

  3. wonder what kind of book that made u trauma tho its pshhh :D

    1. Well, it's not actually the book I feared off but something else. All I can say is it's a situation. I gives me a bad memory.

  4. Teruskan membaca Ray kalau minat dan ada masa 😊

  5. I think I stopped reading for a few months now. I really want to read but there's just no time.
    I bring my books everywhere but I ended up not reading it at all.
    I hope you will get your reading mojo back.

    1. Omg we're so alike. I bring my book literally anywhere I go but don't actually get the time to read it.
      Sometimes I'm just off on my social media that I forgot I have so many better things to look at or read.
      I hope so too. And I hope yo'll get yours as well. I miss reading all your post.
      I've been eyeing the same template on etsy but didn't actually get it because this current one is still my most fav.

    2. It's okay Ray, just be like me, use it until you get bored of it and then when the time comes, you change it.
      This one is my favourite too. I love how you made it your own style.

    3. Hahaahaha thank you for the beautiful words. yeah i think so too. I'm using it to the fullest and am gonna keep using it until i'm very bored of it. but i think it's gonna be hard because im still so in love with it. haha

  6. jom chaiyok2! nk bc buku apa? hehehe

    1. hehe i'm currently reading one right now tp x dtp nak habiskan lagi. XD

  7. Usually people would say you're facing a reading slump because of the sudden need to stop reading. But in your situation since its a trauma, well, not sure what to call it. Btw, I think you should read inspiring motivational books to kick start your reading mode. I suggest Andrew Matthews' books. Quite expensive but its worth it. Or poem books by Lang Leav ^^

    1. OMG thank you so much for the suggestion. I better start looking into it now.
      Might as well add it into my list. I still so many that I didn't get to finish but buying new books is like a therapy for me.
      Love it.

  8. ada jugak ek takut buku camtu? macam sejenis fobia pulak kan...

    1. hahhaha semua mcm pelik pasal tu. But yeah it happens.
      Since it's psychological problems, I guess it's not that weird right?

  9. hurm.. trauma dan juga hilang mood membaca.. memang kena take time untuk dapatkan balik mood dan semangat tu.. Sha harap, walau apa pun trauma itu, semoga ianya semakin menghilang demi sebuah kecintaan pada pembacaan.. Mulakan dengan perlahan-lahan dan cari buku yang lebih santai untuk bermula.. Semoga semuanya baik-baik sahaja buat Ray..

    1. thank you for the tips akak. I'm slowly starting and it's progressing. Alhamdulillah.

  10. suka baca buku tapi sekarang tak berapa sempat nak baca .

    1. I feel you. I really love books but tak sempat nak baca.
      I love to spend some me time with just a book at a quiet place but I can hardly do that these days.


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