How to sign up with SushiVid

Hi everyone, I'll be sharing on how to sign up/sign in with SushiVid. I'll make it rough and quick. I hate complicated things. And hope this helps even just a little.

First, you'll be shown this and all you have to do is to choose I'm an Influencer.

Next, you can just choose one of these three options. For example if you choose to sign up with Blogger the pop-up will be shown on your screen and you just have to continue with it by filling up the form.

You'll the be directed to the dashboard once everything is finish. Just follow all the instructions given. I'm not showing my dashboard here. *shy

To start earning you can go to New Campaign and start proposing to post for any brand you wanted.

Once it's done you'll just have to wait for the next instruction. Everything will be informed through your email.

And that is all. Kbye

Click the banner to sign up with SushiVid


  1. Again, many thanks for sharing this! :)

    1. orite. no problem. you are most welcome. ^^

  2. Dah dapat 2 job dgn sushivid ni..payment pun dah 2 kali. Rugi kalau tak join!

    1. wahhhh really. that's great. sudilah share tips and trick utk lulus proposal. hehe


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